We apologize for any inventory shortages. Extracted from above 18,000 feet in the Himalayan mountains, 50-day refining and sun-drying process prioritizes delivering the purest Shilajit and is climate-dependent.

  • Non-Gluten

  • Lab Tested

  • GMP

  • ISO:22000

  • ISO:9001

  • Halal

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What is Shilajit?

Shilajit, also known as mumiyo or mumie, is a powerful and ancient Ayurvedic medicine sourced from the depths of the Himalayas. This natural substance, rich in fulvic acid and minerals, has been revered for centuries for its remarkable health benefits. Himalayan Shilajit is considered the purest form, offering a potent boost to vitality, energy, and overall well-being. Its wide range of benefits, deeply rooted in Ayurvedic traditions, makes it a sought-after supplement for those looking to enhance their health naturally.

What you get inside?

Shilajit contains a rich spectrum of over 86 essential minerals and compounds, akin to those found in everyday foods like fruits, seeds, meats, and vegetables, covering a broad range of the 102 minerals necessary for optimal health. Rich in humic substances like fulvic acid, it enhances mineral absorption and immune function. This potent mixture supports brain health, boosts energy metabolism, and offers anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits, reducing stress and inflammation.

What are the benefits?

Shilajit is a potent natural supplement, a revered natural medicine, offers a multitude of benefits designed to enhance overall well-being. Among its many advantages, Shilajit helps to clear brain fog, offering a sharper mental clarity and improved cognitive function. Its positive impacts extend to physical health, supporting to improve testosterones and vital organs such as the kidneys and stomach, and promoting cardiovascular wellness. It also contributes to develop stamina, strength, and vitality, addressing the body's needs comprehensively.


    Our team of villager procures only Gold-Graded Shilajit exclusively from the Himalayan mountains, sourced at elevations above 18,000+ feet.


    Our meticulous purification process involves State of the art filtration technique with rigorous quality control oversight.


    We exclusively employ the sun-drying method, which requires approximately 40 days to achieve the desired drying process.

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Identify Gold-Graded

Gold Graded Shilajit Resin exhibits distinctive qualities, starting with an initial black and brownish color that transitions to gold when mixed with water, indicative of its high quality. This gold-blackish shade transformation, alongside its honey-like texture and stickiness, not only points towards its authenticity and potent value as Gold Grade Shilajit but also serves as a testament to its clean, rigorously filtered purity. The resin’s earthy smell and slightly bitter taste further support its authenticity, distinguishing it as a premium health supplement.

How to use shilajit

To maximize the health benefits of Shilajit, follow these easy guidelines: Start with a metal spatula to measure a small quantity, ideally 250mg, once or twice daily. Effortlessly dissolve this potent Ayurvedic supplement in your chosen drink—whether lukewarm water, milk, coffee, or tea. Savor the enriched beverage. Observe your body's reaction to the natural wellness enhancer and fine-tune the dosage accordingly. Regular use is crucial; incorporate it into your daily health regimen for the best results.

Scientific Research

Scientific research and studies on Shilajit, a natural Himalayan supplement, have gained attention for its traditional medicinal uses and emerging health benefits. Recent investigations highlight its efficacy, backed by evidence-based insights from authoritative sources like Examine.com. This platform stands out for its rigorous, unbiased analysis of nutritional supplements, including Shilajit's impact on wellness and vitality. Explore the science behind Shilajit's power to enhance physical and mental health, as documented by leading health research.

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